Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement | March 2025


At Your World Recruitment Group, we recognise our obligation to consider and comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 to prevent slavery and human trafficking in our business and the supply chains we work amongst.

It is important for us to be aware of the forms of modern slavery and how our business activity can attract such risks. Forced labour, slavery, servitude and trafficking of people are keys areas of consideration for us. Providing key information to our candidates in order to keep them alert to the signs of slavery and trafficking is important in order that we can take necessary action if required to protect our staff and our business activity.

Integrity and a consideration for human rights and ethical practice is at the forefront of our vision and values. This policy details our commitment to the Anti-Slavery Act 2015.

Structure and Business

Your World Recruitment is a global healthcare recruitment agency, placing a wide range of healthcare professionals from all medical sectors including Nursing, Doctors, Allied Health Professionals (AHP), Health Science Services (HSS) and Non-Medical Non-Clinical to public and private sector healthcare settings in the UK, Ireland, Middle East and Australia.

Our Business Partners

Our business partners include, but are not limited to, our clients and resourcing agencies. It is sometimes necessary to use third party agencies to supply staff to our clients.

We have detailed terms and conditions in place together with a code of conduct which we expect full compliance to from clients and suppliers.

Ultimately, we also expect our business partners to promote the same expectations and standards within their own supply chains.

Our Policies

Suppliers are expected to adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct and Terms and Conditions concerning ethical treatment of all employees and temporary workers.

Employees should be free to choose to work for their employer and be subject to the relevant employment law applicable to the country of residence/placement.

All employees must be provided with a clear contract of employment, which complies with local legislation.

Any form of discrimination, victimisation or harassment should be prohibited.

Laws relating to unlawful deductions from salary shall be observed.

Young persons under the age of 18 should not be employed to work at night or for any hazardous work and their employment should not harm the young person’s education, health or physical, mental, moral or social development.

No young persons may be employed below the age of 16.

All slavery and human trafficking laws must be complied with including, but not limited to, the Act. Suppliers must ensure their business operations are free from slavery and human trafficking practices whether in the UK or elsewhere, both internally and within their supply chains and other external business relationships. We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business.

Anti-Slavery & Human Trafficking - Due Diligence Process

Your World Recruitment Group enforce strict identity checks on candidates and confirmed employees to confirm legitimacy of their right to work.

As part of our commitment to identify and eradicate slavery and human trafficking, we are undertaking due diligence on our supply chains to ensure compliance with legislative obligations and will continue and evolve this process in future years.

All Your World employees have access to dedicated whistleblowing channels in order to raise concerns, questions or clarify processes. Your World fully endorse transparency compensation and justice for victims if warranted.


All Your World staff are expected to follow our vision and values in terms of integrity and confirmed legislation surrounding our business activity.

We endeavour to update our policies and provide notices of change and regular training as and when the policy evolves.

This statement is made to pursuant to Section 54 of the Act and constitutes Your World Recruitment Group’s slavery and human trafficking statement.

March 2021

Simon Taylor – Managing Director